Wednesday, December 28, 2022



                                               “Love all, love all the time.”

 Soon after the pandemic, when schools reopened, my greatest joy was that I would be able to see my children in school. Nothing else mattered. The school building wears a stony look and is lifeless without these children. I don’t enjoy working during the vacation for this reason. There is no life in the school, literally. The moment children returned, it was like a breath of fresh air. I always say that we are so fortunate to be working for children as there is so much vibration and energy in a school.

It is hard to believe that I so much resisted becoming an educationist. But, once I was in, I realised that I was enjoying myself to the hilt, as I love children to distraction. You need to be in my shoes to understand what it is to love so many of them. They come in all varieties. I jumpstart my day, in my excitement to be with children. For the last twenty-five years and more, they have been my driving force. In fact, love filled my heart, the day I started associating with them. There is something magical and magnetic about their presence. I couldn’t ask for anything more in my life. They make my life so complete.

 I felt starved of love in my growing up years. I looked around to see who loved me, and was so disappointed to find none there. I yearned for love and wallowed in self-pity. I had only complaints in life. I was too young to understand the complexities of life. The first transformation in me came when I became a mother. I poured all my love on my child. I found that I had a reservoir of love in me, waiting to be expressed and looking out for avenues to give. Most importantly, I stopped begging for love. I became a giver. It was so liberating.

Becoming an educationist was a perfect choice and God sent. Life is an echo. What you give is what you receive. Whenever I say, “Love you so much,” it is always reciprocated with love. So, don’t wait to be loved. Just go all out and love your near and dear ones. Keep giving love and one day you will find that you are receiving much more than you can handle. It is absolutely an overwhelming experience!  

                      “To love and to be loved is the most purifying of all experiences.”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, December 21, 2022



                                              “They cannot coexist

                                                One dispels the other

                                                 Light & darkness

                                                 Life & death

                                                 Faith & fear

                                                 Gratitude & disturbance.”

 There was a period in my life when I felt that so many things were not working in my favour. It was also a time when I had a lot of challenges and complaints. I was always questioning God, “Why me God for all the troubles?” But the troubles only kept increasing. In short, I was thankless. A timely spiritual intervention opened my eyes and I realized that the more and more I experienced negative feelings, the more and more it repeated in my life. One huge lesson that I learnt was, no matter what goes wrong, there are so many things going right in your life for which you need to be grateful.

 Nobody is obliged to do anything for us, including our parents. But, instead of being grateful to them, we think it is their duty to take care of us. There are so many children who have been abandoned by their parents. But we always look at others’ lives and feel that we are less privileged, not realizing that we have a shelter above our head, we eat three meals a day and we have clothes to wear. There are children who have none of these. Everything causes stress in us. Studies is stressful, not having a high-end mobile causes stress, when parents do not permit us to hang out with friends we become stressed. Everything in life is stressful.

 Some parents struggle to cater to the needs of their children. They put the needs of their children above their own needs. Yet, how many of us are thankful? No matter how much ever parents do, there is dissatisfaction writ large on our face. If only we understand the pain they undergo to give us a comfortable life. We understand the value of something only when we lose it. We don’t cherish it when we have it. If only we can develop one habit that can change our entire life. Being GRATEFUL!

 Being grateful for even the small mercies in life, counting on your blessings, feeling blessed, will only help you to live a fulfilling life. When there is a set back in life, immediately go down in gratitude for everything else that is going right for you in life. This will ensure that you have less and less of setbacks and more instances to be grateful.  I have made it a habit to write a gratitude journal every day. The mind is trained to be grateful always. Every day is punctuated with offering of gratitude, from the time I wake up, till I go to sleep. Thus, I am magnetizing holistic Abundance in my life, and so will you. What are you waiting for? Start today and live a life of overwhelming gratitude to experience eternal peace in your life.

                              “Gratitude is the womb of all virtues.”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, December 14, 2022



 From the base of the pyramid to make it to the top, needs extraordinary will power and crazy commitment level. Challenges are much more and only if you are relentless, can you make it big. That is why they are called Achievers. They make it to the top, in spite of, and not because of. Not everybody makes it to the top, and all those who made it, left behind a legacy for posterity. They are people who knew that life’s bounties are beyond the imaginary finishing line.

 One such Achiever visited her Alma Mater after several years. It was a warm sunny afternoon in Chennai, and the breeze was blowing softly, with the sun in all its glory. The school auditorium was reverberating with the chatter of the students, who were waiting for the alumnus of the school to address them. For them, she was yet another speaker, but for the Principal she was a star performer.  Kamini was gently ushered to the stage by the Principal. An introduction was given about Kamini. The Principal looked at Kamini with pride, like a mother who basks in the glory of her child. Little did she know about the story that was about to unfold. Kamini had been asked to share her success story with her juniors. 

 Kamini got up confidently, like a seasoned speaker to address her juniors. She was always a confident girl. She nonchalantly walked towards the podium. The students were quite excited to see their senior and also curious to know all about her. She adjusted the mike and began her sharing. Her eyes scanned the audience and she began with a smile. “Thank you for the warm welcome. It always feels special to be back in my school. I have great memories about my school days, and no matter where I have reached in life, I still cherish the fond memories of my school. The welcome address only spoke about my achievements and that is what everyone knows. But let me tell you all from where I began…

  I belong to a lower middleclass family. My dad had a meagre income. We were five of us in the family, my parents, my grandma, my brother and I. We lived a very ordinary life. More ordinary than many of you can even imagine.” There was hushed silence. The students were entertaining similar thoughts. And it was one of disbelief. Nevertheless, Kamini continued. “I was a topper and was also the school Head girl. Right from my school days the family’s financial difficulty was always at the back of my mind. After completing my schooling with high marks, I joined the most prestigious engineering university in Chennai, Anna University.”

 For everyone, college meant freedom and fun, but not for me. My family was waiting for me to complete my education so that I could contribute to the family’s income. My dad had to take a loan to pay my college fees. I was fully focused on my studies. At an age when youngsters like to go out and have fun, I decided, no outing with friends, no partying, nothing, except studies. Did I feel bad about it? No, in fact, I felt more responsible. I was working part-time in the coaching institute where I used to go for coaching classes when I was in school. I used to correct answer scripts for them during weekends and I used to be paid one thousand five hundred rupees every month, which was a lot of money for the family. I had a second -hand Luna, a powered two-wheeler, in which I used to go to the institute.

 On completing my engineering, I was placed in the best software company in a different city. My take home salary was quite good.  That was when my family actually started living a proper life. But it was not an easy life. It was a new city. I was living alone there, away from my family, but my focus was on improving the financial condition of my family. So, I put up with it.”

  The students were probably taken aback by her commitment to her family. It is very rare to see children, whose heart beats for the family, and who does not mind missing out on all the fun in life. Everyone experiences the rush of adrenalin when in college. Overcoming it and staying focused is no mean feat. She put the family’s needs above her own needs. Kamini continued,” A few years later I was posted in the US. I couldn’t believe that I was in Silicon Valley, which is every youngster’s dream.  After that there was no looking back. I was progressing in my career. In the meanwhile, I had got married too.”

 “In the workplace, nothing else matters, except your capability. There are many people to replace you, so you have to keep reinventing yourself. There is no substitute for hard work. Your aspirations alone will help you to make it big. Don’t expect any sympathy from the world. Everything depends on your competency level, for which you will be hired, or for the lack of it you will be fired. I have been constantly working on my skills and today I have reached a high position in the organization. My annual income runs into crores. I now live in a six-bedroom house which I own. I also drive luxury cars and money is no more a challenge in my life. I built a fairly big house for my parents and they too live in style.”

 Eyebrows were raised on hearing this. Lot of realizations came in all at once……not to squander your life, time is a great resource which has to be well utilized, education makes all the difference, choose your friends, build your confidence, get your priorities right in life, stay focused, put your dreams ahead of everything else, and many more. Students sat mesmerized throughout.

 There was a standing ovation when Kamini concluded her sharing.  Kamini’s life read more than a fiction and the first-hand experience that the students had, made all the difference to their thought process. The Principal had tears in her eyes as she hugged Kamini, who simply stood out as the pride of her school!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, December 7, 2022



“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school,” said Albert Einstein

 A meeting with three of our alumni was organised, from three different fields, in order to guide the present class twelve students, on the way forward. All three of them fondly recalled their school life. They gave credit to their school and their teachers for where they have reached in life. One of them said that the school insisted on meditation and stressed on values, but he did not understand the value of it then. Today he understands the value and importance of happiness and peace, which we need in life. He reiterated to his juniors on the importance of making the best use of all that the school had to offer.

  Education is all about empowering and equipping students with the knowledge, values, skills and attitudes required in life.  NSN aims to be a Game Changer. It believes in revolutionising education. What is the requirement of the job market is not the only thing we need to analyse, what kind of a world do we need to create, is also very important. School is a microcosm of a society. Students are prepared for a life beyond school. They should not be a misfit in society. Hence horizontal exposure is given to them.

“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.”

 Just like how schools provide experiential learning for concepts, how would it be if schooling itself is an experience for the students? These experiences will go a long way in creating them as the man or woman they go on to become.  In NSN, students go through a gamut of experiences. Sitting in Silence, caring for the less fortunate, sharing, celebration of Indian tradition, Gratitude & respect for parents, teachers and all elders, developing a compassionate heart, confidence building exercise, physical literacy, developing a healthy self-image, leadership qualities, integrity, responsible citizenship, and many more.

  “Children are the living messages that we send to a time we will not see.”

Academic brilliance alone cannot assure students a beautiful life. It is much more than that. They need to have holistic growth. A sound value system, a strong character, emotional equanimity, a healthy body, interpersonal relationship, spiritual rootedness are all the requisites of a wholesome life. Some of the them understand the underlying value of receiving an education that transcends the boundaries of a regular education system. Many understand only when they leave school and face life on their own, when life challenges them. The school handbook completes the experience by getting the students to write down their learnings, takeaways, reflections, not forgetting, the gratitude journal.

 “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

 As educationists, parents, teachers & students, we should stop thinking of education as a “transaction” and start focusing on it as “transformational.” Then a school will not only be a Temple of Learning, but also a Temple of Transformation.

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


  “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.” – John. F. Kennedy Independence Day and Republic Day a...