Until they are too heavy to be broken”
Even today, waking up early, reaching our work place on time, being systematic, controlling our temper, completing our work on time, getting our relationships right, exercising every day, a place for everything and everything in its place, a time for everything and everything in its time, is such a challenge. We get agitated for trivial things, we get ego involved in relationships, acceptance, resilience and tolerance are not part of our life, nor is consistency and punctuality, giving up smoking & drinking is tough. Though it sounds simple, I know of so many people who are struggling to outgrow their tendencies. If we do not grow up with the right values and qualities from childhood, our entire life will be spent on getting our basics right.
It is only then that we realize that the enemy is not outside of us, but
within us. We should be our best friend and not become our own enemy. Getting
multiple degrees, a well-paying job, climbing the corporate ladder, are all
easier than correcting our habits. It needs tremendous will power to transcend
our inadequacies. Take up one habit that you wish to change. Do it long enough,
till it becomes transformation. Overcome yourself. Consistency is the key. Do
not give up. Even if we can achieve great success in our profession, the
greatest success, according to me, is to imbibe the right values & qualities.
That is the biggest challenge in life. Come, let’s conquer it!
#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting