Wednesday, July 26, 2023



“What has gained mastery over you has gained mastery over your peace” – mahatria Ra

 It is human nature to love appreciation and appear good in front of the world. This is how we are in our childhood. There have been so many naughty moments in my life. Doing some mischief and then walking away as if I did nothing, with a straight face. Somehow, in childhood, it gave a kick. Were we not one person at home and another outside? We behaved so well in front of relatives and friends, though at home, we siblings fought tooth and nail with each other and back answered my mother. Very notorious at home, but very soft spoken amidst other people.

 As you grow older these pretenses fade away for some, whereas, some build a wall around themselves. They are very private people and will not allow anyone to peep into their personal life. I was more of an open person who did not think twice before speaking. That was my folly too because I made some daring comments. Today I wonder how I could make such blunt statements and get away with it. Absolutely immature, but happy that I was not manipulative. I was a brutally frank person who was not very sensitive to the feelings of others.

 I have come a long way and mellowed down a lot. In the current maturity, I don’t find the need to prove myself to anyone. I know who I am and I don’t have to convince the world, rather live my life aligned to the truth of life. I need to be spiritually aligned, which is a constant striving in me. I need to be more loving, do everything out of joy and happiness, preserve my integrity, be a selfless person, achieve emotional equanimity, be peaceful and radiate it in the world around, develop a grateful heart, magnetize holistic abundance into my life, perpetuate goodness, be useful to the world, and all of it that would enable me to live a holistic life.

 “Who you are when nobody is watching you is your character”-mahatria Ra

  Today, putting the world ahead of me, choosing what is right, devoting my life for a Cause, operating out of love and happiness, counting my blessings, taking care of my body, having a daily appointment with the divine, seeing my work as a prayer unto Him, not losing my peace, staying calm, having a strong faith in Him, strong leadership, all of these come naturally to me, without any effort. I don’t have an iota of doubt that the new me is a product of the spiritual connect. It is not enough that we gain a lot of insights from the teachings of our guru. Living by those teachings is what brings about that Transformation.

 The first stage is, we are not aware of our shortcomings. It is the stage of unconscious incompetence. Then we learn to consciously practice the teachings with a lot of effort. A state of conscious incompetence. Then we start practicing regularly. That is the third stage of conscious competence. Then we reach a stage where all this becomes a part of our life. We do it effortlessly. The stage of unconscious competence. It is at this stage that all these qualities merge into you and becomes your persona. A lot of internal shift happens within you. This is a very beautiful state to be in. I would love each one of you to experience this state of inner bliss. Wake up to the exciting possibilities in your life.  

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, July 19, 2023



Blossoming in the environment

Taking care of every requirement

A home away from home

Is how a school has to be


A teacher need not preach

But has to necessarily reach

Connecting with them in class

Then becomes an easy task


To love, they will truly respond

This will create a lovely bond

Happiness & joy should prevail

From warmth & care none should ail


Fear should not be a handicap

In confidence & courage let’s wrap

A manipulative mind let’s not build

Values should be constantly drilled


A School is a “Temple of Learning”

From vices we need to keep weaning

Transformation we need to achieve

That’s the gratification we receive.

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, July 12, 2023




You walked in with staggering gait

Unsure and with a lot of fear

With outstretched arms and tears

You leaned towards your mom

But soon from school she was gone!



Later you were happy & cheerful

And had settled down with ease

Being comfortable and at peace

Your quiet mischief now began

Restlessly here & there you ran




Then you became a wild tween

Boxing, punching, pushing and pulling

Provoked at the slightest pretext

Pent up anger you wished to vent

Unable to handle your own self




Teenage you then helplessly reached

You hated when they all preached

Life was lived out of Pain & pleasure

Every moment you were under pressure

Wanting to live life your ways.




From a caterpillar to a butterfly

You just transformed your life

Came back with a winning smile

Recognizing you took a while

Yes, my baby has grown in style!




#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


Wednesday, July 5, 2023



When there is a lot of invasion and ransacking by the rats, we decide that it is high time we set a trap, especially if the loss is very high, no time is wasted in trapping the rat. There is much joy in trapping it when we experience pain in the kind of damage it creates. The aroma of the burnt coconut is so inviting that the rat just runs in to eat it, and the door closes. We take it far away, to a no man’s land, and release it. This is true of our life too, when we live on our instincts, and don’t use our intelligence. When we are guided by pain and pleasure, we tend to fall into a trap of wrong company and thus, wrong habits.


The child does not perform well in academics and so, the parents keep scolding the child, as they are anxious about the child’s future. Listening to this every day, the child develops a dented self- image and instead of aiming to score more marks, the child joins a circle of friends who are in a similar predicament. They warmly receive him into their circle, as birds of the same feather flock together. They encourage each other for all the wrong reasons. The child is also happy in their company as they make him feel good. He doesn’t feel the need to prove himself.


The more and more he yields to their call, without his knowledge, he begins to lose himself. His trouble begins only once he is trapped. He is now part of a group that encourages him to smoke, to try a peg of alcohol, to take drugs, appreciates him for copying in the exam, for troubling the teacher in class, for sneaking a mobile into the school, to back answer the parent, to cheat them, and many such unacceptable behavior. It becomes a vicious cycle. He gets sucked into it.


The wrong company of friends is a trap in life. The sad part is, once we get into that trap, we don’t realize our folly, rather we enjoy their company. We feel good, as there is someone to appreciate everything that we do. Slowly we begin to fall in life. Just take a moment and reflect on your life. Do a self-audit. Is the curve going up or are we going down? Can you share with your parents everything that you do with these friends? Can they be introduced to your parents? If the answer is a big NO, then it is time to withdraw from the wrong company. Your achievements are more important than how you feel. These friends will disappear from your life. All that you will be left with will be, bad memories and experiences. Wake up and understand that if there is deterioration in the quality of your life, if you are not seeing any progress, it is time to come out of the wrong company that you have been keeping. Unlike the rat that cannot wriggle out of the trap, we still can, if we decide to do so. Beware and be aware of the TRAP!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


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