Wednesday, November 29, 2023



It was a beautiful day for me as I had the privilege to receive the first copy of the short story book and a book of poems on nature, written by a little girl. I felt as happy as the parents would have felt, to see the child blossom into a writer. To write so beautifully at such a young age, is a gift she has given herself. That year, the school’s theme was,” Readers become Leaders,” She decided to read, and thus became an avid reader. While she was reading books written by different authors and writing book reviews, a thought came into her mind, and she asked herself, “Why not I write my own stories?” Thus, the writer in her was born, through the choice that she executed. This is how winners and champions design their own destiny. She could have remained a reader, like her other classmates, but she decided to write. Thus, she published two books! And this is just the beginning.

“Only those who confront unusual challenges can flaunt unusual success.”

 My mother decided to start a school to perpetuate the memory of my dad. In spite of the situation, she reminded herself that she had a choice. She would have remained anonymous otherwise. The choice that she executed has given education and employment to so many, over the years. She had the courage to execute a choice to become a woman entrepreneur. Her path was laden with challenges. But she overcame the obstacles by embracing resilience in the journey of self-discovery. She could have chosen to be dependent on her own people. But she chose to be independent. For every choice we make there is a consequence. Successful are those who do not give up on the face of challenges and execute counter choices. This alone will take us to the next level.

 “Life is a matter of choices and every choice you make, makes you”

Many of us watch a game, while a few decide to play the game and make it to the top. We admire the way some people can sing or dance, or act, or speak. That is the choice they have executed. To pursue their passion with relentless effort. All of us have the power to make choices in life. But, every choice we make will have a consequence.  It may be favourable or unfavourable. We need to keep making counter choices till we achieve the desired goal. Some of us give up when we face an unfavourable consequence. If only we understood that we were very close to victory when we gave up, we would not quit. The ones who persist are the champions. Our life is a series of choices and consequences. Where we have reached in life, our accomplishments and failures, are a result of the choices that we made in life.

 As a student, you need to ensure that what is most important is not at the mercy of what is least important. As mahatria says, “Desires become deservingness only through consistent directed self-motivated intelligent effort.” Else it becomes a mere wishful thinking. Where your time goes, there your future comes. Our life is impacted by our choices. Make the right choices in life and you will receive the best rewards. Even when it comes to relationships, we have a choice to be polite to those who are rude to us, to love those who don’t care for us, to move away from a quarrel, to ignore those who are not cultured, to maintain a distance with people who gossip, to not get offended when people are nasty, to not remain affected when people betray you, to accept people the way they are and move on in life. No matter what happens in life, you have the power to execute counter choices and thus become a WINNER!

“Sometimes it is the smallest decisions that can change your life forever”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, November 22, 2023



“If a child lives with criticism

 He learns to condemn

 If a child lives with hostility

 He learns to fight”

 I received a WhatsApp forward in which, a dog, a monkey and a cat were sitting in each other’s embrace. It was a very rare sight to see. Even animals tend to live in harmony. Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do, are in harmony. The wars among nations is very disturbing and is not a good sign for humanity. All that we need is peace, and not war. We need not prove to each other who is mightier. We need to be sensible. So, the thoughts we sow in the young minds is what sprouts out as love and affection or anger and hatred. We see children losing their temper for silly reasons, we hear them mouthing foul language, fighting with each other, and physically assaulting each other. Tolerance has to be a learnt trait. Are we providing them the right environment at home? Children learn more from what they see and not from what they hear.

 As parents, we have a huge responsibility to raise our children the right way so that they do not contaminate or influence others the wrong way. That is our social responsibility. Is home a place of tranquility and peace? Is it free from chaos and discord? Then we can expect children to be peaceful and free from intolerance. When they constantly see people fighting at home, or disrespecting each other, or talking ill about someone, then that is what they will learn. We are all the time pointing a finger at the younger generation. Are we providing them emotional security? Only then will they develop faith. Else, they will lose trust in people. They will develop a tendency to manipulate. The behavior of children is an outcome of how they are treated and the life they live.

 The easiest thing is to blame them. But can we pause for a moment and run through the life that we are living? Is our life a Gita or a Koran or a Bible to our children? If yes, then our life is a message to our children. Everything that is happening in society is the outcome of good or bad upbringing, and the home environment. Are the classmates of our children receiving good vibes from them, or are they being influenced the wrong way? Because of my child, many others should not be affected. Our children can be an inspiration, but not a wrong influence. Neither should they be one in the crowd. We should help them to stand above the crowd. That is the basic responsibility of a parent. Thinking for and not against anybody or anything, will promote the quality of ahimsa in us. Let’s make our children compassionate individuals, who care for others.

 “True ahimsa should mean a complete freedom from ill-will and anger and hate and an over-flowing love for all” – Mahatma Gandhi

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Thursday, November 16, 2023


“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”- mahatria Ra

One day I received an Instagram reel of a college Principal, whose students were celebrating his 60th birthday in college. I was, for once, happy to see a beautiful post on social media about students’ gratitude for the Principal. It was very heartwarming to see such students. This was a welcome change. I usually get to see only frustrated people making comments about even those whom they don’t know personally. Everybody has an opinion about everything. There is a lot of emotional vomiting or diarrhea In today’s world, students don’t hesitate to post memes and troll about their school, their Principal, their teachers. Having fun, for them, is to be disrespectful, tease elders, and make disparaging remarks about their own school. As the Head of an institution, do I get affected by such memes and trolls?  I simply smile at their lack of culture and move on. I have better things to do. The goal of every goal is peace. If we wish to be peaceful in life, we need to sometimes ignore, look the other way, pretend to be deaf, turn a blind eye, move away, or simply smile, when the world is insensitive, indifferent, nasty and incorrigible. We cannot correct people. But we can choose to either react or respond.

There are different kinds of people in the world. Not all of them will be well disposed towards us. Some don’t care, some others may be jealous, some may be loving and caring and some will be concerned. Even if we don’t have people in our lives who love us, care for us or are concerned about us, we can be such a person in somebody else’s life. Don’t get upset about what people talk about you, or how they treat you. What is important is, do you love yourself enough. If you love yourself, you will not be bothered about the world, as you will feel complete unto yourself. Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself.

When I was a child, people’s rude behavior used to upset me a lot. The way they treated me would hurt me. Probably because I did not love myself. I felt less about myself. I would not talk to people who treated me badly. With all the wisdom I have been receiving, everything about my life has changed. Today I understand that people behave badly because they have a problem. They gossip about others because they are not happy. They trouble others because they are not peaceful. They talk ill about people because they don’t enjoy good relationships. Small minds discuss people; great minds discuss ideas. In each of these cases, they are not happy people. Why should I lose my happiness and peace over such people?

Better sense prevailed ever since. I have learnt to leave small things small. I am more focused on what I can give the world and not what I can receive from the world. Since I have developed a good self-image, I know who I am. I don’t need the world to endorse anything about me. I am my best critic. When a doctor tells you that you are reacting to the medicine, it is not a good sign. Either your body is not accepting it or there are side effects seen. When he says that your body is responding to the medicine, it is a good sign. You are on the road to recovery. Similarly, whatever the situation, people are a bundle of emotions. Not all are emotionally balanced. Many also lack emotional maturity. Their immaturity should not affect us. Develop a good self- image and feel good about yourself by growing in your own eyes. Let’s learn to ignore people who don’t deserve our attention. Let’s RESPOND to the world and not REACT!!!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


Wednesday, November 8, 2023


“Keep giving & it keeps flowing

 Keep holding & it stops coming

 Live selflessly to keep flourishing.” – mahatria Ra

 The dark clouds were threatening to burst any moment and the cool breeze was so refreshing from the otherwise humid climate, which is so much unlike Chennai. The monsoon began, and was welcomed with glee. But it did not disturb any of our plans. We are invariably busy for the first eleven days of November, as we celebrate infinitheism Day, with some activities every day. We also take our students to various schools to give a motivational talk. The preparation begins quite early. Students are called for an audition and then selected. Later there is a series of mock sessions. Students go through a grind before they give the speech in the school allotted for them. Almost all the students are first time speakers. But they are eager to participate. The demand to be a part of this motivational talk is quite high. Students have to memorize a twenty-minute speech! They will be sharing this with the students of other schools. Apart from their regular routine, they have to set aside time to practice their speech. They overcome a lot of practical difficulties to be a part of the team. With their talk, they can impact so many students and their speech could be an eye-opener and a turning point to some.

Learning, earning, returning, need not be different phases in our life. It can be concurrent. We need not wait to earn in order to return to society. Even while we are students, we can contribute to society. It just needs a large heart to give. When we release thoughts of wanting to give to the world, the universe will supply us with ideas on what and how to give. Social contribution is part of our annual activity. As a school, we have been contributing to the downtrodden and the underprivileged for more than twenty-five years. Tiny drops of water make a mighty ocean. When we come together and contribute, we are able to do so much more. We planted 1111 saplings in the year 2012. Today, they are fully grown trees. This is also a legacy we can leave behind. Students are taken for temple cleaning. They also act as volunteers during temple poojas, when there is a large gathering. Every Friday, students and teachers clean the school campus, house- wise. We have been doing this from 2014, the year our Prime Minister announced the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Students also put up street plays on World Mental Health Day to create awareness about the importance of taking care of people with mental health issues.

When children come back from school, as parents, we should not be asking what home work the teacher has given. Instead, we should ask, "Whom did you help today?" This will certainly give a direction to their thought process, that they have to be useful to someone. Else, it will be only about their growth. If they are trained from childhood to care for others and share with others, we can create a selfless world, instead of a self-centered one. There is so much joy in giving. It begins with the question, “Who needs me?” and slowly it moves to, “What needs me?” That is how they start working for a Cause. Let us bring out the innate beauty in our children. “I am there for you,” is a beautiful feeling that we can create in the world. Extend your hand, curve your lips, lend your ears, open your eyes, widen your reach, soften your heart, and embrace the world. Make your life count!!!

“The life we have is God’s gift unto us.

The way we live this life will be

  Our gift unto God.”- mahatria Ra

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


Thursday, November 2, 2023


“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”- Khalil Gibran

Today skin specialists and plastic surgeons are in great demand. Why? Because youngsters want to change the way they look. And it is possible. Not being comfortable in one’s skin could be the worst situation. Wanting to change the shape of their nose, eyes, jaw line, etc has become very common. This is affecting the psychology and peace of many youngsters. The constant question is, “How do I look?” It is creating an emotional turmoil. All they need is a loving heart to reassure them, ‘Sweetheart you are my most precious gift. I don’t love you because you are beautiful. Because I love you; you are beautiful to me.” 

There was a time when I was ashamed of my looks and felt less about myself. I was short-sighted and wore thick glasses. I was constantly ridiculed for my bad looks. I never dressed up well as a child. I was the odd one out in my family. My eyes, my nose, my lips, every feature was laughed at. It was only when I was in college that I started taking care of my looks. I started wearing contact lenses and so I gained confidence. After my cataract surgery I did not need my glasses.

It is my Guru who has made me feel beautiful within by inculcating positive thoughts in me.  But for my Source of Faith, my face would not be radiating so much happiness. I realize that beauty is only skin deep. Beauty is a fading phenomenon. True beauty manifests in our actions. You need to be a beautiful person with a beautiful mind. My face will never reveal the pain that I am going through. Nobody in my family can even guess what I am going through. For all that I have gone through, I am still radiant I think. That is because of the inner peace that I am experiencing. The face is the index of the mind. I wonder from where I derive the strength to absorb all the work pressures! I have a calm countenance always, especially at home. I carry my own cross and do not burden anyone in my family with my issues.

I was not able to accept compliments in the past. But now I am able to accept it with grace! My focus is on getting my being right. My looks are no more my concern. I no more get hurt by any adverse comments. Being useful to others is my priority. Can my lips keep smiling always, can my eyes show concern and love for others, can my heart beat for the less privileged, are the thoughts that fill my mind. I am no more a victim of self – pity or low self – esteem. I have overcome all my limitations and gained so much confidence that I do not allow petty things to control my life.

I have transcended being conscious of my physical looks and am absolutely proud about who I am. The focus is on developing my inner beauty. There is so much freedom when you do not define yourself by your looks. Remember that you are unique. Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself and love yourself. See the beauty in you. My arms are wide open to embrace the beautiful minds in the world. Come join me, and let us create a huge community of beautiful people, whose thoughts and deeds are beautiful.

 “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of all?”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting



  “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.” – John. F. Kennedy Independence Day and Republic Day a...