Wednesday, April 24, 2024



                                     “Animals are born to a nature

                                      They live by that very nature

                                      And die to that nature” – mahatria Ra

The young one of an animal becomes independent very fast. In fact, it learns to stand on its own feet within a few hours of its birth. The zebra kicks its young one with such force, soon after its birth. In the animal kingdom safety is assured only if the young one moves along with the rest of the herd. Hence, the mother tries hard, as she doesn’t want to lose her off spring. But, animals only grow physically. It lives life based on pain and pleasure.

Man is the highest creation of God. Man is born to a nature, lives by that nature and can transcend that very nature. Unlike animals, Man not only grows physically, but can also grow mentally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually and achieve holistic growth. But, how many of us make an effort to grow in all dimensions of life even after becoming aware of the possibilities? Man should base his actions on right and wrong, as he has the power to discriminate. If we are not using all these faculties, then we are doing gross injustice to this blessing called, human life.

Man alone is an evolving consciousness. So, we need to grow in maturity. Else we have not grown as a person. The mark of an adult is in the maturity that he exhibits. Age alone is not the criterion for growth. Overcoming so many of our limitations in our thinking and our behavior, indicates our growth. I feel so good when I don’t get triggered or when I don’t react to people who are nasty to me. Every time my finer qualities win over my mediocrity, I pat myself, I celebrate.

The world out there will spit venom, or speak authoritatively or disrespectfully or trigger you, but I choose my responses. I choose not to react. They get cheesed off, but I feel glad that my higher self, prevailed over my lower self, that I didn’t react or stoop low. “Maturing is realizing how, many things don’t require your comment.” People who are unhappy or disturbed are people who are not at peace. They wait for an opportunity to pick up a quarrel. Either they are high on ego or they suffer from some complex or they are jealous of others’ success. Whatever it is, they are not peaceful within.

When you behave like an upstart, when you talk to others in a condescending manner, by belittling others, when you keep boasting about your own greatness, when you think only you know everything, when you are ready to pick up a fight, when you are disrespectful, when you are impulsive in your actions, the world will keep away from you, as you are not a mature adult.

“Maturity is when you stop blaming others for your problems and take ownership of your own life.”

Our life is our responsibility. No blaming is allowed. As we grow older, we need to out grow our immature ways. We cannot continue to behave like a kid. As parents or as teachers, we must remember that children learn so much from what they see. It is our responsibility to set the right example. A lot of restraint and self-control is required in our words and actions. Our behavior has to be dignified. We should not let our emotions control us. Rather, we should be in control of our emotions. It is such a beautiful life when we don’t react to the world, rather respond.  We will experience peace and harmony.

 As mahatria Ra says, “In the sway of emotions, intelligence does not work. Hence refrain from taking any decisions.” Practicing this over a period of time will transform you into a mature adult.

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Consistency and perseverance have become such rare qualities. If you possess these two qualities, then you are truly blessed. It took several years, rather decades, for the Founder to bring NSN to a position of eminence. One day at a time, she worked towards the future. She patiently waited to realize her dreams. Today, it is a fifty-six year old school.  How many of us are willing to patiently wait? Are we not in a hurry to get what we want? Should we not focus on the process in the faith that we will achieve the desired results if there is excellence in process?

To master anything, consistent practice is required, without a give up. Perseverance is an effort. Then you reach a state of effortlessness. Bringing about an internal change in your thought process will help you magnetize your desires. When this is coupled with consistency and perseverance, your life will be transformed.

When I was first introduced to the world of Spirituality, life took a different turn altogether. My perspective about life totally changed. That was when I learnt to shift my thought process. I began to associate deep positive emotions to everything that was right. To magnetize holistic Abundance, we need to work on all the five dimensions of life; health, wealth, love, bliss & spirituality. Having understood the importance of living a healthy life, I started consistently working on my body. In all my endeavors, two things were constant; consistency and perseverance. I exercise to feel good. It doesn’t depend on my mood or my work. It has become a constant in my life.

I put myself into a choiceless state. I create time for what is necessary. It is seen as a joy and not as a pain. Good health is a joy. Disease is a pain.

Several years of consistent practice has made me what I am today. I have never compromised on my health. Enjoying life, as my body supports me in all my activities. I can do what a thirty-year old can do.

Our work should always be our prayer unto Him. Anything that is done with undivided attention is devotion. Be the best in what you do. Money is always a by-product of our sincere work. Money should not be our focus. How well we can do our work should be our focus. When we do our work with sincerity and commitment, we will experience growth. Your personal good should always be integrated with the larger good. As educationists, taking care of His creations is doing God’s work. Do it with sincerity and He will bless you with Abundance. How it happens cannot be explained. It is an experience.

Love is a giving emotion and not a receiving emotion. I experientially realized this. When I started loving all my students, I began to feel so complete. My heart beats for my students and I love them unconditionally. They are the Purpose of my life. It is such a beautiful feeling to love the world unconditionally. You will never feel starved of love. There will be no complaints in your life. It is an overwhelming feeling of joy. You start radiating love and your vibrations begin to attract loving people into your life.

When you are a loving person, you automatically develop a great degree of acceptance. So, there will be no resistance in you. This itself will make you internally blissful and happy. How many of us know that happiness is a state of mind? It is not because something went right or someone was good to you that you become happy. Happiness is a decision that you make in life. It should not be dependent on the world. Be happy, in spite of and not because of.

All the four I discussed above are possible if you sit in meditation every day. This is the master key to everything positive in life. Sitting in meditation for the last sixteen years, has made me healthy, wealthy, loving, blissful & peaceful. It has helped me to choose what is right and pursue it, till it became a habit. Today, choosing to do what is right is only a decision. There are no second thoughts. So, I am experiencing holistic Abundance in life. Almost in all aspects of life there is fulfilment. I sit in meditation without a personal agenda. But it is magical. The entire universe conspires to make life beautiful.

Through my conscious activities I program my subconscious. To create an emotional domain in you, your actions should help you to intensify your feelings. Anything that I practice consistently is stored in my subconscious as something I enjoy doing.

The proof of Spiritual evolution is in the manifestation of the PEACE you experience. Sitting in meditation consistently will accelerate your growth.  In spite of the setbacks and Tsunamis in life, you learn to be peaceful. All the chaos is because of the noise in your head. Find something that will localize your mind. A mind that has been trained to be quietened achieves peak dynamism.

We seem to have moved very far from the divine attributes that we were born with. We should give at least eleven minutes every day to introvert ourselves and connect with the formless. If Krishna believed that Arjuna can meditate in a battlefield, none of us can give excuses

Don’t do anything expecting something in return. Do it for the sake of doing. You will enjoy it much more. Experience holistic Abundance in life.


Just exercise to be healthy

Just devote yourself to your work

Just love for the sake of loving

Just decide to be happy

Just sit in meditation.


#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Nature changes according to the season. It is a natural phenomenon. Seasonal changes happen naturally and effortlessly. Summer becomes Fall, then Fall becomes Winter, then Winter becomes Spring, and the cycle goes on.  This is not the case with us, human beings. We reach effortlessness itself through effort. Nothing can be achieved without our initiative. In every role, we have certain responsibilities as well. There is a time and age for everything. Life cannot go on an auto-pilot mode.

When it comes to the education of the child, every teacher should know that, whatever has to be taught in kindergarten or Primary or high school, should not be missed at any cost. The knowledge gained in one class can only help them in understanding the concept in the next class. Scaffolding has to be carefully done. So, the teacher has to be very clear about her strategies and methodologies, and be well-prepared for the class. She cannot afford to leave anything to chance. The lesson plan has to be well curated. A lot of thinking has to go into it. Correct knowledge has to be imparted in every stage. Every day counts. The greatest joy of a teacher is in creating and shaping the destiny of the nation through her students. Look back and cherish your contribution.

Social skills and values, twenty-first century skills, imparted during school days is what will help a student to shine in life. The discipline that the school insists is what helps a student to achieve mind over body. The school has to design the curriculum keeping in mind the holistic growth of the child, right from kindergarten classes. The basics of good manners and good habits is inculcated in them. If this is not taught at the right age, they will grow up to become ill-mannered and also fall into wrong habits. Every year in the school, should bring progress in the child. It is the desire of every school to groom students to become great Achievers.

As parents, we have to instill positive qualities in our children. Right from early days, a wrong has to be wrong and right is right. A spark overlooked can become a forest fire. It is our primary responsibility to inculcate the right values and habits in our children. Everything, from toilet training to making a child a responsible individual, will take time, as it is a continuous process. We should not miss out on any of the milestones in our child’s life. There has to be a rhythm in life. When we are aligned to it, life is a flow.

There is nothing that can be put away, thinking that we can do it later. There is a time for everything, and we benefit only when we do it on time. There is an age for everything. We need to get the sequence right. Life is like a cross-word puzzle or like jumbled letters. We need to think, identify and then recognize what is right, before we help our children to write the story of their life. But let’s make sure that we don’t miss out on the vital thing called, “time.” Let us do it when it must be done. Else, it will become inevitable and urgent, leaving us with no choice. Look back, and take pride in the way you have parented your child. I can already see some of you smiling. High five🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

                             “If not us, who? If not now, when?”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


“Take pride in how far you have come

Have faith in how far you can go.”    mahatria Ra

Every year, Graduation Day is a celebration of the completion of schooling, in NSN. It is a solemn occasion. Students of std XII and their parents are invited to the function. Candles are lighted and they take the eleven-point oath for students, written by Dr. Abdul Kalam. It is administered by the Principal. The Correspondent then delivers the Graduation address. This is for all those out there who have completed their schooling. The qualities NSN has inculcated in the students are those that can be imbibed by any student. This is the text.

‘’ This is the most defining year of your life. This is the day you step out of the cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly. There is no growth or evolution without an uncomfortable transition.

                                   “Growth needs transformation

                                     Transformation needs change

                                     Change needs transition

                                     And transitions are never comfortable”

What was the school doing during your growing up years?

It was not only sharpening your intellect, but also inculcating discipline and values, building your character, strengthening human compassion, bringing grace and charm to the mind, broadening your perspective, sowing seeds of responsible citizenship, instilling patriotism, nourishing your mind and soul, through various activities and by providing you experiences.

In NSN we have moved mountains to provide you holistic growth. The school has never lost sight of its goal, but has only strengthened its determination to contribute to a better world.

We believe that love is not love that pampers and makes you fall in life. Love is love that creates. Hence, the school never catered to your likes and dislikes, in matters of discipline.

The school never endorsed everything that you did or wanted to do. Rather, the school did everything that was needed to be done for your well-being. As an individual, you have the power to execute your choices. To stand for what is right is tough because you will be taking the road less travelled.

With so many alternatives available and peer pressure, it is difficult to choose what is right. But, do you wish to be one in the crowd or one above the crowd?  This question will help you to make the right choice.

The school was tough on you, so that, life is infinitely easy for you. As you step into adult life, it is time to recall, recount, ruminate, relive and reflect on your evolution and growth in the last fifteen years. The fifteen years that went by were actually preparing you for bigger challenges and greater opportunities.

NSN was always preparing you for life and not just for the Board exam. It provided holistic education. The school gave you a conducive environment. The day always started with mahatria’s message and meditation. The morning prayer was followed by Thirukkural and the Oath of originality, a self-affirmation, which helped in building your self-confidence. The four mantras uttered by you is more than enough to live the rest of your life;

I will practice Ahimsa

I will make my life count

I will make my country proud

I will live to look up to myself

Anything that is practiced for twenty-one days becomes a habit. So, the school  practiced “Will Power drive” on different themes and also gave you expression grounds through the “Tree of Joy.” The school insisted that you put yourself in a choiceless state in matters of importance, and thus inculcated discipline in you. Punctuality was a quality that was inculcated in you from your kindergarten classes. This was done to develop a powerful mind. Legendary people developed a powerful mind and attributed their success to it. The higher you want to scale in life, the greater will be the challenge. If the mind is powerful, there will be no give ups in life, but only go ups.

“Time management is not clock management, but life leadership” – mahatria Ra

Gratitude is the mother of all virtues. Your school created so many occasions for you to offer your gratitude and love to your parents on Thanksgiving Day (Children’s Day) and Matru-Pitru Vandanam, to your teachers on Guruvandanam day (Guru Poornima), to the Support staff through Bouquet of Thanks, to someone who has impacted your life on “Joy of Loving” day (Valentine’s Day).

You were made to involve yourself in the Swachh Bharat, Clean My School Campaign, in which, students and staff cleaned the school, house wise, every Friday. Some of you also participated in street plays to create awareness amongst the general public on World Mental Health Day, World Alcoholism Day, etc. The school taught you to look beyond “Me, mine & myself” by encouraging you to raise funds for a social cause every year. All this was done to make you responsible citizens and to live a selfless life.

Your school worked on your Attitude, Skill and Knowledge. As mahatria says, “Attitudes do not care where we shape them. Once shaped, they become our behavior, either creating us or destroying us in the process.”

Much after you leave your school, you will still remember it. But will your school remember you? When a book is published about the Alumni Achievers of NSN, will you find a place in it? It is in your hands to write your own script. Make your life a blockbuster worth watching out for!”

                                                     Jai Hind!!!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting



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