Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Transformation is my willingness to grow

From “comfort zone” to “growth zone”

Through uncomfortable transitions” – mahatria Ra

Recently I attended a “Festival of Growth.”  This is a convention which many of us in the fraternity look forward to, as we get to see each other and bond with unalloyed joy. It is a different world there. There is so much of love, happiness and camaraderie in the air. Known or unknown faces doesn’t matter. That we are part of the fraternity is enough for us to relate to each other. There were infants, toddlers, teenagers and young adults, along with a few senior citizens, from different parts of the country and from abroad. It is like a huge family.

The whole day was punctuated with growth sessions, interspersed with music, dance and Silence. In short, extroverted and introverted experiences.

There were times we were screaming and beating the drums, blowing the whistle and dancing as groups. The next moment we would all settle down and be with ourselves. The beauty about the whole thing was, with the wave of a hand, the whole crowd would quieten and settle down.  Rules were followed to the T.

A second announcement was not required. That was the level of discipline everyone adhered to.

There was an air of great excitement. The rush of adrenalin sent us all into a frenzy and we danced to the songs of the band, way beyond midnight, and continued with our “anthakshari” after that.

The kind of noise we made, we almost lost our voice. That was the kind of fun we had. We were like those notorious kids- uncontrollable!

In the midst of all the fun, there was profound learning happening… learning for life.

The implementation of this learning is what makes all our lives extra special and beautiful, and being in the Path for long has changed our very DNA.

The bottle is being cleaned from inside. In fact, this is what makes us celebrate life…

Attitudes do not care where I shape them

But once shaped, they become my behavior

Either creating me or destroying me” – mahatria Ra

We have been taught to conquer our weaknesses, to be willing to go through uncomfortable transitions to reach a new growth zone, to practice dynamic acceptance, to introspect, to consistently work on making our desires into deservingness, to realize that attitudes either create us or destroy us, that I can change myself only by the way I think, to always delve deep into positive emotions and to keep negative emotions shallow, to live life intensely and enthusiastically, to realize that it is not what I have, but what I do with what I have that makes all the difference, that the beliefs I hold in the beginning of the journey defines the journey, to understand that my life is my responsibility and no blaming is allowed and thereby magnetize holistic abundance.

These are just a few drops in the ocean of wisdom that we have been receiving.

Achieving Attitudinal Breakthroughs, Psychological Breakthroughs and to live life peacefully, harmoniously and happily is the biggest gift I have been given, and this is exactly what I experience in life.

We get to see happy and peacefully successful entrepreneurs, professionals, homemakers and families, which is an overwhelming experience.

I feel extremely blessed to be part of a fraternity that is constantly evolving. I look up in gratitude to the Creator for bringing me into a Path that is enabling us to unleash the humongous human potential and live a holistic life.

When a leader is transformed, it helps in transforming the lives of thousands of others. Blessed to be living a life of Purpose! Grateful to the ONE who created the NEW ME!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



In every school, other than the Annual Day celebration and Sports Day, one other celebration that brings a lot of happiness in children is, Teachers’ Day celebration. In lower classes, teachers have fan clubs among students. They either make cute greeting cards, wishing the teachers, or write a poem and design an accessory, to give it to their favourite teachers.

One of the first messages that I received this year on Teachers’ Day was a little disturbing, as the speaker was saying how the quality of teachers in the country was deteriorating, and how she was concerned about it. I may agree with her on this matter, but I would address the issue differently. I would appeal to the teaching community to resolve to dedicate themselves to nation building.

When people tell me that there is a dearth for good teachers, and it is a universal problem, I cannot leave it at that. I would like to identify the nature of the problem, and help them overcome their limitations. Nothing like empowering a community, instead of complaining and accepting. It is our area of influence. But we need to consistently work on it to achieve a significant transformation.

In anything we do, we should aspire to surpass expectations. The child’s world, in his growing up years, is, his home and school. Parents and teachers play the most important role in their life. As important as it is to be knowledgeable and resourceful, the teacher has to be mindful about her own actions. Just as how parents have to be conscious about their thoughts, words and deeds.

Teachers should be educated or trained on ethics. Ethical and moral standards of a teacher will define the quality of education in a country. Continual staff development should be conducted not only in subjects and teaching strategies and methodologies, but in inner engineering, most importantly. Education is not only about academics, it is also about developing the personality of a child.

            ‘’Children learn more from what they see than from what they hear.”

If teachers and parents can model their behavior, their life itself will be a scripture for the children. Within their world, they will have role models, whom they can emulate.

Just as how parenting has become a learnt trait, teaching also demands a lot of thinking, as the present times are very different from the past.

The only way a parent or a teacher can win over the child is by winning over their hearts. That is the only way a child will be prepared to listen. 

In a world that repeatedly says that the upbringing of a child has not been proper, can parents wake up to their responsibility of nurturing the child with the right values, and in a world that is concerned about the quality of teachers, can we rise above the ordinary , stretch ourselves and go beyond the call of duty, to groom the students entrusted to us, by filling our hearts with a lot of love for our students, which will enable us to relentlessly work for the Cause of education.

Our country is known for such inspiring teachers and role model parents. Let us pause, reflect and correct ourselves, in order to leave behind a legacy, true to the values of our ancestors, who were a cut above the rest.

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Mother earth

Does not make it easy

 for the seed to burst forth

 and let the new plant

stretch itself above the earth

to take a breath of fresh air


But the seed

Resists the pressure

And brings out

A new life

Into the world

Experiencing the birth pangs

Of releasing a new shoot.


Getting started

With a new habit

Needs consistent practice

And the will to sustain

To overcome

The limitations of the past.


Yet, the ability

To achieve this, is the goal

Of only the determined

Who are willing to drop

The old and pick the new

Thus, embracing the birth pangs

Of adopting a new habit


In life

You may win

You may lose

It is all in the game

But, do you stay defeated

Or make a counter choice?


Yes, the brave move forward

Undaunted and courageous

Never feeling victimized

But willing to begin

And go in a new direction

Fully aware of the birth pangs

Of starting afresh.


A new job, a new environment,

A new relationship, a new geography,

A new culture, a new school,

A new friendship, a new tradition,

Anything new, may bring along,

New experiences like never before


Making you feel awkward

And sometimes reluctant too

To take a step forward

But welcome the new beginnings

With outstretched arms

Realizing that birth pangs

Augur the birth of a NEW YOU!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


“…Some are unseen,

Unsung Heroes….

Who make Incredible


The students came enthusiastically to invite me to the Teachers’ Day celebration. I told them that they must make the celebration so grand and memorable, that their teachers should always carry those memories in their heart, as they truly deserve it. The students shook their head vigorously, and said that they would certainly make it grand.

I heard that students have come up with some novel ideas to make the occasion special.

Teachers play a huge role in nation -building. They not only teach the subject, but also mold the students to be a beautiful human-being and a responsible citizen. It is a tall order indeed. There are so many qualities a child should possess. Today, these qualities are conspicuous by their absence, as some of them are not guided by their parents. The onus of responsibility falls on the school, and teachers have to integrate this with academics.

It is an integrated package in our school. There are many activities that help students to immerse themselves in experiences that will bring in a transformation in their thought process.

With the advent of social media and the invasion of gadgets, which many homes have, it is not easy to teach this generation, as they get distracted easily and their attention span is also less.

The value system has also changed drastically. Gratitude, respect, compassion, selflessness are all forgotten qualities, these days. But, in our school, children go through these experiences. We believe that marks alone do not define a child’s life. Competence, along with values and discipline, is a beautiful combination.

Teachers have classes during the day. Back home, they have a family to take care. They need to attend to their household chores. They also need to set aside some time for preparing for the next day’s class, to write their lesson plan, to do their corrections, etc. Their children  need to have quality time with their mother. This leaves them with hardly any time for themselves. They also need rest and recreation. But this profession is so demanding that they have to work with devotion.

Not realizing this, there are people who are unsympathetic in their attitude, unreasonable in their expectations, sarcastic in their talk, and also sow the seed of disrespect in children, by discussing about a teacher in the presence of their children.

We still belong to the old school of thought and believe in the sanctity of Mata, Pita, Guru, Deivam. It is said that the first three creators of our life are equivalent to God. They are One without a Second, like God. So, they occupy an exalted status in the universe. Hence, we need to get our feelings right towards them.

Parents should teach children to respect teachers, no matter what. How a teacher is portrayed is very important. To get our life right, we need to get our thoughts and feelings right. Teachers make us who we become in life. Their contribution in our life cannot be measured or quantified. All of us are the products of great teachers, who held our hand and who taught us how to read and write, because of whom we are literate today, and hold our heads high.

Teaching is the mother of all professions. No professional can by-pass a teacher. Teaching demands dedication. Being a teacher is challenging as well as rewarding. A teacher has to be a multi-dimensional personality, a student forever, a counsellor, flexible, adaptable, knowledgeable, emotionally balanced, patient, a solution finder, and possess inter-personal skills. She has to be a “mom” in school, and much more than that.

On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, take a moment to wish your teachers, or to whisper a word of gratitude to those who have carved your life. It is the most giving profession. Let us salute the Unsung Heroes, who have chosen to dedicate their lives to nurture our children with love and care, to impart knowledge, and to prepare them for life. Feeling blessed to be an Educator. Wishing all my teachers a very HAPPY  TEACHERS’ DAY

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting



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