Wednesday, January 25, 2023



“Maturity is a high price to pay for growing up.”

When I was in college, I received an award for the best poem for the year in the college magazine. It was titled, “Life.” The poem was written as a consequence to some disappointment I experienced. I was so upset that I poured it out in the form of a poem. It caught the attention of the English department, and thus my poem was chosen. Many of my friends told me that I was being pessimistic, but I argued.

When I gained maturity I was able to understand how much I hurt myself by dwelling on the negative aspects of life. I was so immature that I used to get upset with people who wronged me or behaved unreasonably with me, especially elders in the family. There was so much negativity in me as others’ behavior towards me affected me. My relationship with close relatives was topsy-turvy. This is where I was as a youngster.

It required great effort on my part to bring about a paradigm shift in my outlook. Not to get disturbed by the behavior of people around me. I learnt that acceptance will, to a large extent, help me to annihilate or mitigate my                     ill-feelings towards people. I turned my expectations towards me and not towards the world. That made all the difference and I started experiencing peace in life. It is so liberating when we are able to accept people and move on. The mantra that I hold on to dearly, which transformed my life is;

“Accept the unchangeable

Change the changeable

Remove yourself from the unacceptable.”

If there is something that I cannot change, it becomes my area of concern. It is better not to dwell on your area of concern, rather focus on your area of influence. A lot of our frustrations are because we are not able to accept so many things in life. We cannot influence the behavior of other people. It is better not to get affected by it. Nobody in the world cares for our feelings. So, it is better to remove ourselves from the unacceptable. Do not hand over the keys of your happiness to the world. Decide to be happy. You are the most important person in your life.

 “Maturity is, learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals and self-worth.”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

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