But today,
this is a word very liberally used by youngsters. A class nine student came up
to me, when I was walking around during the break, and told me how stressed she
was. Studies is stress, waking up early is stress, not being allowed to use the
mobile is stress, avoiding junk food is stress, being told to avoid wrong
company is stress, being corrected for wrong behaviour is stress, and the list
goes on. For the adults, work is stress,
relationships are stressful, a colleague getting a promotion is stressful,
household work is stressful. It may
sound silly to us, but for them, it is real. Even working professionals indulge
in vices because they are stressed. They justify their actions. Drinking,
smoking, vaping, misuse of drugs, are all common amongst youngsters. They don’t
realise that it is due to poor mental health. These will become addictions
without their knowledge and coming out of this habit may sometimes be
problems come from not wanting to see things as they are.”- mahatria Ra
If we can
change our perspective, we can change the way we feel. Our actions are a
manifestation of our thoughts and feelings. If we change our thoughts, we can
change our actions. A student, instead of seeing studies as a burden, should
visualise what he can eventually achieve in life, if he gives undivided
attention to studies. He should see it as an opportunity to discover his
potential, to achieve incredible growth, to improve the quality of his life, to
grow materialistically, to make it big in life. If a teacher sees her work as a
burden, then she will fill her space with her vibrations, which will be
negative. Work is worship. A teacher has to see a school as not only a temple
of learning, but also as a temple of transformation. She must love her students
first, then she will automatically love what she is doing. If a doctor, instead of getting stressed by
repeatedly seeing sick patients and negativity around him every day, can go to
the clinic or hospital thinking, “How many more patients can I cure today?”
Then he will look forward to his day and achieve gratification in being a
blessing in the lives of his patients. Every youth and adult, trying to escape
the monotony of life, by taking refuge in alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc, is
absolutely insane.
“You are all
the time creating the script.
You draw what
you think into your own life.
Life outside
is a manifestation of how you think,
And that’s
the truth.”- mahatria Ra
profession is our choice. We should happily work and not miserably work. If we
are passionate about our work, we will enjoy it. My spiritual connection helped
me to look at everything in the right perspective. We get stressed when our
circle of concern expands and our circle of influence shrinks. What is, is.
Certain things around us is not in our control. I can only influence my own
thinking and my own actions, and thereby my own life. It is not the experiences
that I go through in life, but the way I respond to these experiences that
makes the difference. Choose your responses. I started working on my attitude
and outlook. I was told that the goal of every goal is peace. That I should not
hand over the keys of my happiness to the world, which will make me dance to their
tunes. Today, I am the master of my life. The world does not hold my happiness
to ransom. Since I love my students, I love the work I am doing. I learnt to
strike a work life balance by expanding my circle of influence. I live a
beautiful life. The word, “stress” has fled from my vocabulary. “Love you
zindagi,” is now my most favourite song! Come, lets sing in chorus!!!
#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting
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