Wednesday, March 13, 2024



“A strong woman knows she

has strength enough for the journey.

But a woman of strength knows

it is in the journey

where she will become strong.”

NSN school stands as a testimony to the will and determination of a woman whose life was truncated by the cruel hands of fate, by taking away the love of her life.  Shattered, she stood alone, not knowing where to go, whom to trust, from where her future would come. She hardly had any time for healing herself. She had three mouths to feed. A strong woman that she was, she decided to move ahead, whispering, “Thy will shall prevail.”  She did not lament over her fate, nor did she stay stuck to her past. She transcended her pain and decided to rewrite the script of her life. She used her independent will to respond to the situation, to change the direction of her life, by making the right choice. She became a woman entrepreneur. Everything else is history. When life gives us a consequence, are we making the right counter choice?

“Every human-being has four endowments-self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom…” – Stephen Covey

There is a lot of peer pressure amongst youngsters. You want to do everything that others are doing. You feel left out otherwise. There is a gap between the millennials, the Gen Z and the Gen Alpha themselves. The fear of missing out (FOMO) is one of the major reasons why you want to be one in a crowd. You feel that others are living a better life than you, or you are missing out on something important.  You don’t want to be left behind. So, you indulge in everything without asking the question, “Am I right or not?” You are caught in a vicious cycle of committing mistakes repeatedly and remain as followers in life. If only you had the courage to walk alone and be right, you would not be at the mercy of the world.

Those who took the responsibility of their life in their hands, went on to become leaders, clearly stating that you need not be at the mercy of anyone. They made use of their independent will and created their own destiny.

The power to choose, to respond and to change, I think, are the most powerful tools we are endowed with. Are you choosing the right friends or the right habits? Are you refraining from indulging in what is wrong? Are you reacting or responding to a situation? You have been endowed with an independent will to carve out your path. The choices and counter choices you make will define the journey of your life.

You have the power to transcend and transform. So, wherever you are today is the result and effect of the choices you executed. I am mindfully making my choices. What about you?

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog mam.whenever the video of the path mrs .lalitha menon madam has travelled has been shown it rolls out tears in my eyes automatically..what a woman she is and what kind of kingdom she jas established for the children ,i could not imagine...we all have to fall in her feet and still amazed by her willpower courage determination....hats off mam.



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