Wednesday, May 29, 2024



“Small beginning

Incremental improvement 

And sustained progress

Will lead to humongous possibilities” -mahatria Ra

From where you begin has nothing to do with where you can reach. The NSN Group of Schools provides education to so many first-generation students. It is so gratifying to note that these students have accomplished so much in life. Whether you are born into a wealthy family or not is a consequence. But to make it big in life is a choice. A small shift in our attitude, our approach and our thinking can make a huge difference to our life. These children would not have given in to some of the temptations that an average adolescent child would succumb to. Thoughts of their future, their family situation, the downfall they will experience and all of that would have stopped them from indulging in unwanted pleasures. Today, they have made the school and their parents proud with their achievements.

When you are not well-prepared for the exam, in order impress your parents, you may have the tendency to indulge in mal-practice in the exam hall. Every wrong thought of cheating, that you entertain, will only take you far in the wrong direction. It would have started as one incident, and you would have found comfort in that act. Slowly it will become your nature. You rejoice in the marks that you secure and also start believing that it is alright to take short cuts in life, not realizing that every short cut that you take will only cut short your success.

On the contrary, you need only a small shift in your thought process to help you to overcome wrong actions. From being a cheat to being honest, from being lazy to being hardworking, from being judgemental to having faith in God, from being incompetent to being competent, from being unhealthy to being healthy, from being a mediocre to being extraordinary, from being a failure to being a success, every shift happens with a small change in your thought process. Reflect on what your dominant thoughts are. At the thought level try to bring a correction. Without getting our dominant thoughts and feelings right, we cannot get our life right.

You get influenced by your friends. Surround yourself with the right set of friends. Sangam saranam gacchami. Who is your fall back? Is it a Sakuni or a Krishna, makes all the difference to your actions. Always be with those whom you look up to. That’s the best way for you to ensure that you grow. Give life to your inner voice, which will guide you in the right direction. Whenever you are tempted, pause and reflect for a moment. Don’t be impulsive. Better sense will prevail.

Where do you want to reach in life? What should you do to reach there? What are the hurdles you have to overcome? Surprisingly, you will realize that there is no enemy outside of you. That you are your own enemy and your bottleneck.

A small change, practiced consistently, will become a huge Transformation in your life. I did it, and it turned around my life. Try changing one habit at a time. You will discover a NEW YOU! 

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Holidays were the best part of our life as we got to spend quality time with our cousins on the maternal as well as paternal side. Two months of solid vacation. During the day we played, and in the evening, we were asked to wash our feet and sit down for prayer in the pooja room. We sang songs in praise of the lord, chanted mantras and immersed ourselves totally in our prayer. We enjoyed learning new songs. Some of us imagined ourselves to be great singers!

As a child, I feared God. I was always told that if I did anything wrong, God would punish me. To tell the truth, we were asked to say, “God promise.” That was how our honesty was checked. God did moral policing. That was what I believed. I did not know that God also loved me. I cried to God when I felt alone in life, when somebody hurt me, when I was wronged, when I didn’t get what I wanted or when I      felt forsaken. I prayed to God during exams, and for so many silly things as well.

In my childhood, God was a photograph in the pooja room or an idol in the temple. I often went to the temple and all I did was, ask God what I wanted. I was sure that he would grant my wishes. I prayed from far. It was a transactional relationship. I believed that God would bless me if I was good, and punish me if I committed any mistake. I communicated to God through prayer.

Then came a messiah in my life and everything about my life changed. I began to understand more about life, how to live a holistic life, how to magnetize Abundance in all forms, how to live life in alignment to the laws of life, and so much more. I realized that God is a Presence, that God is not outside of me, but with me and within me. He is nearer than the nearest. I started my daily meditation and thus began my communion with God. The transactional relationship became a transcendental one. Sitting in Silence unfolded miracles in my life.

Peace descended and I started doing everything out of happiness. Love engulfed me when I began emptying myself of all my negativities. The bottle was being cleaned from inside. I am now living in a state of bliss, counting my blessings and shedding tears of gratitude.  

Self-awareness brought in a lot of clarity. I began to see beauty around me and in myself. I realized that love was a giving emotion and felt no more starved of love. Acceptance became a way of life and I stopped reacting to the immaturity of the world. Life became harmonious. Staying calm even in a disturbed environment became possible. The beauty within was revealed. I experienced many such defining moments. I was Awakened in life!

How do I thank the ONE that elevated and transformed my life! How do I repay! What can I do in return! I am not alone in this thought. Thousands of lives that have had a rebirth like me, join me in gratitude.

Today is the auspicious day that marks the birth of the Sacred soul, and it magically coincides with Buddha Poornima. People all over the world, from a little child to an elderly, are rejoicing and celebrating the birth of this messiah  in deep Faith and Surrender.  Somebody who has lived for the last three decades, only to help humanity to evolve, someone who is relentless and limitless, someone whom I cannot define and confine.

 All that I can do is, live a worthy life, and make HIM exclaim, "I am proud of you, my child!"

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


“Life is a game of chess. You cannot undo the move.”

It was the day of the Board Exam results. There were butterflies in my stomach. This is something I go through year after year along with the parents. It is always our desire to bring joy and celebration in every family, where children have given their Board exams. It was once again celebration time for me when we secured cent percent results in both the schools, in std X, XI & XII. A school is recognized for the results it produces, the colleges into which the students get admission and where they are placed in life. The school alumni should be amongst the high profile, in well-placed jobs. Can we ever miss out on ensuring this? So, a teacher cannot afford to commit any mistakes.     

One year of bad teaching, one rude remark, overlooking or neglecting a child’s mistakes one year, can all affect a child. We cannot undo the scar or the damage done. We can plead innocence, we can blame circumstances, we can point a finger at the child, but nothing will give back that one year to the child. A year lost is lost. We cannot undo our actions.

We can only make amends and ensure that we do not repeat it again.

Students also realize only after seeing the Board exam marks that they were   capable of better performance. But you get only one chance. You will have to settle for something less. Now all that you can do is, regret the time wasted. That you could have utilized the time at your disposal, that your parents only prodded you for your well-being, that the intentions of your teachers were good, that you got drawn into wrong company, that you yourself are responsible for the state in which you are.  

You cannot undo your actions. All that you can do is, make a resolve to use your potential and move forward to achieve the glory that you truly deserve.  

As parents, we should also be mindful of our actions. Wrong parenting could affect many people whom our children come in contact with, for no fault of theirs. As a sibling, as a spouse, as an employee or employer, children who haven’t had the right upbringing, don’t get their equations right. Their presence may become intimidating for others. We cannot undo our actions once they become adults, as it becomes their personality. Right parenting is a discipline that we need to develop.

This is true of relationships too. When you get into relationships of infatuation, and believe that you are made for each other, a day comes in one of your lives, when maturity sets in, and you realize that you have made the wrong choice.  You want to withdraw, but the other is not ready. By going into a relationship, with immaturity, you have damaged another person’s life. Now, you cannot undo your action. You become guilty of the emotional trauma you created for that person. If that person takes a drastic step, you become responsible for that. You will live in pain for the rest of your life. Think about it. Wrong action and inaction will lead to consequences that you will regret. Think twice before you do something. Ask yourself whether your actions will lift you up or pull you down.

Even if it is painful, do what is right. Even if it is pleasurable, avoid what is wrong. Take responsibility for your actions, and thus your life.

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, May 8, 2024



As children, we used to fight a lot and complain to my mother about each other. She never reacted. So, we used to tell her that she is being partial. Later, we resolved our fights and played happily. Childhood is a beautiful phase in life. You fight over silly things and get over it soon. Your complaints are only about not getting a chocolate or a fancy pencil box, or not willing to share the cake with your siblings, or wanting to buy a new dress and all of that.  Life is blissful as everything is taken care of by parents. You need not even know from where the next meal will come or how your parents will pay the school fees or how they meet all the household expenses. No worries absolutely.

As an adult I have had a fair share of challenges in life, and I have been upset about it, I have never gone into a complaint mode, fortunately. Not because I understood the futility of complaining and that it is energy draining.

When I lost my first child, a still born, it took me a very long time to heal. But I never asked, “Why me God for all the troubles?” Today, I am able to connect the dots. I am in a profession in which I relate to thousands of students. God took away one and gave me thousands. I am always grateful to God for this blessing. I have seen people literally whining. When you don’t find a solution to your problems and keep talking about it, it drains you of your energy. Why talk about it again and again. Always expand your circle of influence.

Nothing in life is going to change just because you are upset.

Nobody is spared from the vagaries of life. Once, when I was attending a spiritual convention, I was given an Award. In the evening, as I was going to witness a cultural program, my leg slipped from my slipper and my Achilles tendon pulled out my heel. It just snapped! I was flown back to Chennai and had to be operated. It looked like I went there just to receive the Award. I was grateful to God that I didn’t fall from the seventh floor, because we had chosen to climb up all the way, and also came climbing down. We prefer taking the staircase everywhere, rather than the elevator. I had just come out of the building when this happened.

I couldn’t go for work for two weeks. But I utilized this period to go through the files for the Accreditation of the schools. I worked at home without any disturbance. I felt that God had blessed me with this much-needed rest, as I was working relentlessly over the years. How I saw the whole thing made a huge difference to my emotional well-being.

I would not have got in life all that I wanted, but even though I was disappointed at that time, I understood that, “God upsets your plans so that He can implement His plan, and His plans are always better for you.”  This if we understand, we will have no complaints in life. Let’s stop whining and start enjoying life. Change your approach to life.

Just for a week go on a “No complaints” mode. See how you feel. Slowly, when days become weeks, then months and then years, you will be living a transformed and peaceful life. It makes a huge difference to your mental peace. Nobody or nothing can affect you without your permission. I am speaking experientially. Hey, life should always be an upward spiral. Try this out. I will be waiting for your positive feedback. Cheers!!!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


“Love is love

Only when it does

What is right

For the other

Even if the other

Doesn’t recognize it”– mahatria Ra 

My staff meetings may not be relished by all, as I constantly harp on what we need to do for children.  But those who understand the intention behind the words spoken, will appreciate it. I am a naïve lover of children. My heart beats for the children entrusted under our care. I will do anything that is good for them. Nobody is spared if they miss out on the environment we need to provide and the kind of education we have to give children. Right from the security to the janitors to the housekeepers to the Physical Education department, to the teachers, everyone is made accountable. Children should rightfully receive all that they need to. I may not sound pleasing to all, but getting it right for children is my responsibility. There shall be no compromise. If you understand the intention behind it, you will do the needful.

“Love is not

Love that pampers

Love is love that

Makes a difference” - mahatria Ra

Students also will not be spared if they are in improper uniform, or if they come late to school, are regular defaulters in submitting their assignments, or do not bring the books as per the time-table, or do not pass in the exams, or if they are found riding a powered two-wheeler, or hanging around street corners. Is that not what genuine love is all about? Should they not be right in all these aspects? Will not life be tough otherwise? Hence, we practice tough love. Sessions are conducted for them to prepare them for a life after school.  Everything is done to empower the students and to program their subconscious mind with the right inputs.

“A spark overlooked becomes a forest fire.”

So, everything unwanted is nipped in the bud. There are short-term plans and long-term plans. Character building and a strong value system are long-term plans. Children may not approve of what a school does, but they will certainly recognize and value it once they leave school.

We always tend to value somethings, only when we lose it. Cherish it while you are experiencing it. Recognize the love behind the gift and value it, instead of checking its price. Love is priceless!

Your parents are sometimes anxious about the company you keep or the disinterest you show towards your studies or the way you behave. They will keep correcting you. Understand the intention behind it. They want the best for their child, so they may not approve of everything that you ask for or do. Sweethearts, every correction, every censure, every knock on the head, every refusal is only to steer your life in the right direction. Do not resist it. Accept it by understanding that love is sometimes demanding, but will bring out the best in you. Do not judge us by our actions. The intentions are selfless and divine. Time alone will reveal it to you.

“Pampering is

Doing what you like

Love is

Doing what is RIGHT for you

Seek to be loved and created

Than to be pampered”- mahatria Ra

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


  “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.” – John. F. Kennedy Independence Day and Republic Day a...