Wednesday, May 8, 2024



As children, we used to fight a lot and complain to my mother about each other. She never reacted. So, we used to tell her that she is being partial. Later, we resolved our fights and played happily. Childhood is a beautiful phase in life. You fight over silly things and get over it soon. Your complaints are only about not getting a chocolate or a fancy pencil box, or not willing to share the cake with your siblings, or wanting to buy a new dress and all of that.  Life is blissful as everything is taken care of by parents. You need not even know from where the next meal will come or how your parents will pay the school fees or how they meet all the household expenses. No worries absolutely.

As an adult I have had a fair share of challenges in life, and I have been upset about it, I have never gone into a complaint mode, fortunately. Not because I understood the futility of complaining and that it is energy draining.

When I lost my first child, a still born, it took me a very long time to heal. But I never asked, “Why me God for all the troubles?” Today, I am able to connect the dots. I am in a profession in which I relate to thousands of students. God took away one and gave me thousands. I am always grateful to God for this blessing. I have seen people literally whining. When you don’t find a solution to your problems and keep talking about it, it drains you of your energy. Why talk about it again and again. Always expand your circle of influence.

Nothing in life is going to change just because you are upset.

Nobody is spared from the vagaries of life. Once, when I was attending a spiritual convention, I was given an Award. In the evening, as I was going to witness a cultural program, my leg slipped from my slipper and my Achilles tendon pulled out my heel. It just snapped! I was flown back to Chennai and had to be operated. It looked like I went there just to receive the Award. I was grateful to God that I didn’t fall from the seventh floor, because we had chosen to climb up all the way, and also came climbing down. We prefer taking the staircase everywhere, rather than the elevator. I had just come out of the building when this happened.

I couldn’t go for work for two weeks. But I utilized this period to go through the files for the Accreditation of the schools. I worked at home without any disturbance. I felt that God had blessed me with this much-needed rest, as I was working relentlessly over the years. How I saw the whole thing made a huge difference to my emotional well-being.

I would not have got in life all that I wanted, but even though I was disappointed at that time, I understood that, “God upsets your plans so that He can implement His plan, and His plans are always better for you.”  This if we understand, we will have no complaints in life. Let’s stop whining and start enjoying life. Change your approach to life.

Just for a week go on a “No complaints” mode. See how you feel. Slowly, when days become weeks, then months and then years, you will be living a transformed and peaceful life. It makes a huge difference to your mental peace. Nobody or nothing can affect you without your permission. I am speaking experientially. Hey, life should always be an upward spiral. Try this out. I will be waiting for your positive feedback. Cheers!!!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


  1. Mam you posted this blog at the rigjt time for me ,tha6s how i take this.God had sent this message through you mam.Really each and every word had lot of meanings...Please continue your work mam.We are all benefitted by it.I mean it from my heart.Thank you mam

  2. To the point , mental well being, thank you ma'am

  3. Your post is a reminder to see the sunny side of life and move forward . Thank you ma'am.



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