“Leisure is
the time
For doing
something useful” – Benjamin Franklin
How many of us have a hobby these days? Yes, we do
indulge in activities for a time pass. It is invariably watching a movie, a
television serial or being on social media. It is true that social media helps
people to connect with each other, share information, and build communities.
But excess use of social media can cause mental health issues. Any addiction
for that matter.
Hobbies on the other hand can be productive. It can take away your stress, depression or anxiety, if you are suffering from any of these. It helps you to relax and take your mind away from the daily stress.
We derive so much joy by indulging in a hobby. It channelizes our energy and gives us a direction. A hobby energizes us and it is free time well spent. A person who is involved in some hobby never complains of boredom. In fact, they slowly become a pro in what they do that they stun you with what they create.
One such thing that I started doing quite some years ago was, writing. My friend who conducts writing workshops asked me to join her workshop. Thus, my journey into writing began. It began as merely writing on a topic, on a movie, a video clipping, a picture, etc. It was more of an exercise to become a better writer.
Then I was asked by my mentor to start blogging for students, teachers and parents. Thus, I became a blogger. I created time to write a blog week on week. Was it convenient for me to write every week? Well, it is not just blogging. I run two schools and the third one is coming up soon. It is not easy, as I have a fixed routine in the morning and evening, which takes my time, one hour in the morning and evening, before work and after work. But I manage to squeeze in time to write a blog so that I can reach out to students, parents and teachers. Since my focus is more on making a difference, I enthusiastically involve in it.
I sometimes have to type when I am travelling, at the airport, on the flight, or in the car, as I am hard pressed for time. The toughest period in my life was when my mother was shuttling between hospital and home for three months due to her illness. Emotionally too I had to put in effort to be stable. But I did not miss writing my blog, on the way to hospital and back. It was out of a sense of commitment.
If your words can din sense into someone, if it can turn around lives, if it can transform someone, if it can bring joy in somebody’s life, if it can help build relationships, if it can heal somebody’s wound, if it becomes a turning point in somebody’s life, why not create time.
My mentor wanted me to share my thoughts on education and the educational philosophy that I believe in, with other educators. So, we came up with the idea of publishing a book. Week after week I wrote one chapter at a time and in a year’s time the content for the book was ready. As a first-time author, I went through completely new experiences.
Once again, time management was very crucial. Writing is only a hobby and not my profession. But like I mentioned earlier, what begins as a hobby can take you very far. An amateur thus became an author!
Sustained progress
Will lead to legendary possibilities” - mahatria Ra
#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting
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