Wednesday, December 8, 2021


  “The child is the father of man.” Growing up years leave their imprints on the adult life of a child. A spark overlooked can become a forest fire.  What we don’t correct at a very young age could destroy the child’s life when he becomes an adult. Almost all habits are formed when we are young. It is very difficult to unlearn old habits. It is said that old habits die hard. Man is a product of his habits, formed in his childhood. Habits, good or bad, become ingrained in a person with time. We should not be a slave to our habits, rather, we must become the master of our habits.

How do we help a child overcome anger? There is nothing called one size fits all, or one diet works for all, or one solution can be provided for all. To each his own. Children go through different emotions in their growing up years. There could be several reasons for exhibiting negative emotions. Anger being a dominant human emotion.  It is a destructive emotion and has to be channelized when they are very young. Else it will control their life. They will be castigated by society and may also stand to lose their relationships in life. However brilliant they may be, they will be unable to work as a team.  In short, if we do not help them to overcome anger very early in life, we may have to live a life of regret as parents.  

Anger is used as a tool by some children, whereas some use it to seek attention, while some are easily provoked to anger. There could be many more reasons. As parents we should understand that a behavior recognized and rewarded will be repeated. One way to tackle anger is to acknowledge the child’s right behavior and appreciate it, so that it is repeated. And we need to do it consistently. Love is not love that pampers and makes the child fall in life. Love should be love that creates the child. Every parent dotes on their child. But be clear about one thing. A no is a no and will not become a yes to please the child. Quality time should be invested in the upbringing of the child. Establish ground rules at home and do not compromise. The child should be told clearly, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behavior. Do not react when rules are broken. Stay patient. It will sometimes take time to bring them onto the right track. But we need to persist. Do not give up on your child, or brand him. He will come around sooner or later. Till then, keep trying!




  “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.” – John. F. Kennedy Independence Day and Republic Day a...