Wednesday, February 23, 2022



In this vast universe which one cannot even fathom, with so many solar systems and galaxies, earth being just one of the planets, with millions of life forces, the highest creation of God, man, alone is endowed with the sixth sense. He has the faculty of reasoning and understanding. Man, not only grows physically, he also attains, emotional, mental and intellectual maturity. Man has been bestowed with independent will.  We are capable of designing our own destiny. We can choose to live life however we wish. To respond or to react is our choice. Are we unleashing the divine or the animal within us in handling our relationships?

Human relationship is fragile. It is always under construction and needs maintenance. We need to keep working on it. Unconditional love should be the basis of any relationship so that it can weather any storm. On the contrary, if ego comes into a relationship, it will be in troubled waters. As parents, can we relate to our children with love, especially in their adolescent years, when the rush of adrenalin will sometimes make them lose their temper and even talk disrespectfully to us?  Can love be the supreme emotion that prevails or reigns over other emotions? Let not ego come between us in the most precious relationship of our life. Let us not define them with one incident, nor brand them or label them, or even be judgemental. It is only fair that we give them time to evolve. Maturity will set in as they grow older. Let them learn restraint and patience, and most importantly, love, from us. Only then will they regret their behavior and correct themselves. Else they will get into a wordy duel with us and it will escalate to such ugly proportions.

Always remember the little bundle of joy whom you carried with inexplicable joy, for whom you were ready to forego your comforts, whom you rocked to sleep, to whose demands you relented, who was the apple of your eye in the growing up years, who has been your heart beat and your very life. We cannot trade anything for our children. So, let us throw away the dirty ego from our mind and fill our hearts with so much love, that they must feel overwhelmed.   If your child grows in an environment of love, he will blossom into a beautiful human being who is compassionate at heart. Love can bring to life all positive emotions that are lying dormant. Love can kindle all the humane qualities. Love can ignite that spark in your child’s eyes. Love will make your child feel complete. A home filled with love will translate into a haven of peace and tranquility. Love alone can build relationships.  Celebration of love is relationship. LOVE should be the language of a parent.

 #Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, February 16, 2022



 Blessed are those who are able to impose their faith on someone or something. Faith creates a feeling of security in life. You never feel alone. You feel a hand above your head, an unseen force that is always protecting you. Faith unfolds miracles. What are miracles? It is something that surpasses human judgement. You just cannot explain, because it is an experience. Jesus said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ’’Move from here to there,’’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’’ On the strength of our faith we can achieve the greatest feat.

Faith in ourselves is a great asset. It gives us the strength and confidence to achieve our goals. All legendary people had faith in the Cause that they represented or in the Vision they pursued.  This enabled them to build great institutions. Thus, they left behind a legacy for generations to emulate. Faith in themselves was their greatest strength. Faith has to be unshakeable. It has to be a constant. It cannot keep vacillating.

On the contrary, fear incapacitates us. It does not allow us to do our best, even if we are capable and have the potential to do so. It creates doubts in us. We cannot move forward, even if we want to. It is a deterrent to growth and success. Fear cripples us from exploring possibilities. Fear makes us weak. It makes us nervous and pulls us down. We feel helpless in testing situations. Fear of the unknown or fear of any kind reveals the absence of faith.

I owe my growth to my faith in myself and my unshakeable faith in the omnipresent and the omniscient. When the situation is beyond our control, we realize that we are mere mortals. My faith in my God has only protected me in all challenging situations. My faith has given me the confidence to remark, “This too shall pass.” My faith has been validated several times. Yet I have held on to it. Never expect a challenge free life. It is a myth. Life is beautiful in spite of and not because of.

Faith creates a positive feeling. Whenever the world has told me that I can’t, I have always trusted my inner voice which kept telling me that I can. Nothing can stop us if we are strong in our faith. What we conceive and believe, we can achieve.  Faith is, believing in what you cannot see, but know that one day you will see what you believe in. Faith works; faith only works!


 #Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


My life today is a far cry from what was more than a decade ago. My trouble started when I began my career. I was unable to achieve a work life balance. It was a constant struggle juggling all my roles. I have cried out of pain and helplessness. Unable to share it with anyone, I looked up and asked, “Why me God?” for all the troubles. I received no answer, and the struggle and suffering continued. I was steeped in negativity. The mind was not at peace. I was magnetising only negativity into my life. Life became turbulent, to say the least. Life seemed to be moving towards a point of no return.

Then one day, as destiny would have it, my spiritual guru came into my life. Everything about my life changed, rather transformed. Apart from a million things for which I am grateful to Him, one thing that absolutely catapulted my life to a different level was, MEDITATION. He insisted that we meditate every day for at least ten minutes without absenteeism. I was a person who could not sit in silence for even five minutes. But my love & respect for my guru was so immense that I started sitting in meditation for ten minutes every day. From ten minutes it progressed to fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty-five, and then it became one hour!!!

What made me sit in meditation every day? Well day by day the knots in my life were removed. Life started becoming more and more organised and  beautiful. The clutter in my mind was reduced. There was clarity in thinking. I became very positive.  Gratitude, Love, Faith, Devotion and Surrender became dominant qualities in me. I started taking care of my health by exercising regularly. I began magnetising all life positives. Relationships improved and my acceptance level became very high. Maturity dawned on me in a big way. Challenges in life became less and far between. There was an unseen Force that was protecting me in all situations and a Hand above my head that was blessing me with holistic Abundance. Today I ask my God, “Why me God?” for all the blessings in my life.  Life could not have been any better. It is so fulfilling.  I started experiencing a purple patch in my life.

Meditation creates humongous breakthroughs in life. It produces miraculous results. I would urge you to meditate for at least eleven minutes every day. Life will not be the same again. Negativity will vanish and happiness will fill your life. You will not live out of pain and pleasure, rather out of right and wrong. Breaking away from wrong habits and taking up right habits will become easy. You will develop a powerful mind and become the master of your life!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting


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