Today we are in an era where we are exploring the possibility of life in another planet, advancement in technology, groundbreaking changes in the field of medicine, Artificial Intelligence, and many more. When the whole world is surging ahead, some of us are still struggling to get our fundamentals right. Even to reach a place on time is a Herculean task for us. When are we going to get beyond the ordinary challenges and set our sights on great achievements? When are we going to transcend? Why even waste our time arguing and giving excuses? Do we realize that small holes can sink a mighty ship?
Lack of discipline in life can cost
us our future. There are certain things that we need to get right in life
before we aim for anything big. Time Management is not clock management but
life leadership. Habits are formed when we are very young. Children should be
urged to dream Big. To get the larger picture right, every piece in the jig saw
puzzle should be in the right place. This is true of our life too. To become
extraordinary in life, every moment in life should be productively utilized.
Success does not come that easily to anyone. It is a combination of so many
qualities that we imbibe. Attitude, skill, knowledge, perseverance, time
management, relentlessness, are just a few of those qualities. Success is,
small efforts repeated.
Punctuality is nothing but being
prompt. All those of us who are punctual are organized and systematic. Productive
use of time happens only when we are prompt. How we plan the day makes all the
difference. Our actions are our circle
of influence. Are we beginning the day on time or is there a delay? This will
determine whether we keep running behind schedule or we complete our work on
time. This helps us to believe in ourselves and builds our confidence. It helps
us to win the trust of the world.
When I developed this quality of
being punctual, I first grew in my own eyes. I realized that, if I say it, I
will do it. It gave me great freedom. I felt liberated from my shortcomings. I
no more had to give excuses to the world. I became the master of my life. My
day was decided by me. Life became so disciplined and hence, very productive. I
was able to motivate the world around me. Punctuality is only a decision.
Decide today and turn your life around. Resolve to be “On time, all the time!”
#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn
#nsnschool #mentoring #parenting
Nice one mam. Though this quality is very basic, it needs a string of efforts from all of us to develop and pass this to wonderful next gen.