Wednesday, January 3, 2024



“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down” 

When the little child falls down and cries, out of immense love for the child, and to pacify her little one, the mother hits the floor and pretends to be angry with the floor for tripping her child. This makes the child happy and he wipes his tears. Unfortunately, this has an adverse effect on the child. He learns to blame people for all his problems and miseries in life. He does not take ownership of his life or his mistakes. When they become adults, they always point a finger at the world. Not that it fixes any of their problems, but they feel good to tell that they are suffering because of somebody else’s mistake. They don’t realize that blame game does not give you solutions. It only adds to your misery.

I have had many experiences and close encounters in my life with people who throw their frustration on others. Some people are fond of emotional drama. They misbehave everywhere, even in public places, shamelessly. I have learnt over the years, not to react and waste my energy. In fact, I have learnt to empathize with people who have no control over their emotions. I look at them differently. This approach has helped me to be at peace. These things don’t disturb me. I have learnt to look away. Whoever misbehaves, it is their problem.

Life is not smooth for anyone. Each of us has our own trials and tribulations. We must try our best to leave our past behind us, and not carry it with us.

What purpose is it going to serve, other than creating emotional and mental trauma for us. We cannot undo our past, so it is better that we don’t relive those unsavory moments. The effort has to be to get rid of the baggage, and not carry the baggage. Need be, go for counselling sessions, so that the heart feels lighter. If we keep vomiting and throwing our emotions on our loved ones, there will come a breaking point, when they can no more take it, and that will be the end of that relationship.

We cannot abuse people in the name of emotional trauma. How long will the world tolerate our emotional drama? There will be a point of saturation. Don’t become a victim of your emotions. Be the master of it. Choose your emotions. People who carry an emotional baggage take people for granted. How long can people love you in spite of you? Use your past as a reference, live in the present and look forward to the future. Be grateful for every blessing in your life. Then you will never regret about your life. Widen your circle of influence and shrink your circle of concern.  Don’t get engulfed in anxiety and live a disturbed life. Learn to forgive and forget bitter experiences. We should not be punishing ourselves for somebody else’s mistake. Erase bad memories and fill your mind with thoughts that you can cherish.

Love, gratitude, happiness, compassion, devotion, etc are all positive emotions. Fill your daily activities with these emotions so that you leave no room for the negative ones.

“Emotional baggage is heavy, and it’s way too expensive to keep dragging along to all the places that life wants to take you”

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

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