Wednesday, January 10, 2024



It was our Kiddies Sports Meet and the chief guest was addressing the parents of kindergarten students. Two things that she mentioned, stayed with me for the rest of the day. She said that touch is such an important part in the life of a person. We need to touch our children and hug them enough in their growing up years. True, hugging a child can contribute to their emotional and physical well-being. They will be happy kids who will know to regulate their emotions and grow up with confidence and resilience. She also said that parents should love their children always. I could not agree more on this with her because, I am such a parent, who has only given hugs and love to my son, not only in his growing up years, but also now.

Does the present generation enjoy such a relationship with their parents? If they do, then I am very happy for them. As an educationist, I have had incidents where the school had to tell parents about their child’s friends, relationships and also about their habits. Some of them are not connected with their parents. They are more attached to their friends. They will do anything to be in their circle of friends. They crave for a sense of belongingness. Today’s generation thinks that anything that is commonly done by many, is correct.

Picking up a cigarette, consuming alcohol or doing weed, or riding a powered two-wheeler or driving a car without license, everything is okay, as many of them are doing it, and they call it “Cool”. Just because many are doing it, a wrong will not become right. Peer influence is very strong for those whose self-confidence or self-image is not good. Those who have good self-worth will not resort to such things.

Students, whether in school or college, get easily influenced by their friends. They like to chill together. They are unable to think clearly. They are more driven by pleasure than right action. If only they pause to think about the consequences, they will not indulge in anything that will either make them an addict, or let anything affect their body, their internal organs, their health, their thinking, in short, it is suicidal, as it may cut short their life and even seal their future. Even if they want to come out of it, they may not be able to. That is the danger of substance abuse or alcoholism. It will all start as fun, or giving company, but slowly it will become an addiction. It will then lead to mood swings, depression, violence, anxiety, etc. This will ultimately sever all relationships and the family will go through trauma.

It would be ideal if we can build a healthy and loving relationship with our children. Parents should be their “go to” persons in their life. This will happen only if we, as parents, do not hold their honesty against them. The attachment and love that began when they were young, should continue even in their teenage. Let’s not get ego involved with them, or judge them or label them. We may have to go through testing times during their adolescence, as they too will be going through transition in their life during puberty.  If they have a close relationship with their parents, they will not even require so many unwanted friends in their life. Just a few quality friends will suffice. I can vouch for this as I too am a MOTHER!

#Thoughtfulthursdays #nsn #nsnschool #mentoring #parenting

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